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Italcementi Group|New Building Materials  |Longitudinalidad|Malaga

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The intervention in the Andalucia Avenue starts of the need to reactivate an axis that lacks its own urban identity to the city. It is a linear element where any event that invites movement, travel or activity does not occur. In the absence of a proper character and appearance of multiple components unrelated between them, allowing us to see the bet you would continuity of the urban fabric from the union of its edges, ie, make way for mainstreaming.


To a first scale and visual analysis the lack of continuity between full and empty, ie, there is no order or transfer events throughout the whole observed.

In this situation it is proposed to delete a series of full, both building and ground floors, to allow the permeability as necessary, taking into account the busiest areas, such as pedestrian crossings, bus stops and the immediate environment more active . This referential spaces and a series of potential gaps that will enable a series of events that will trigger the movement around the axis are created.


Regarding the project for a multiple building, is located inside the Picasso gardens, following the succession of full and empty as closing element in the path of the avenue. Following the same concept in the public space, identity, the implicit plot paths in the park are analyzed to create a space where movement and generate the building empty. Therefore arise both worlds for joining the edges of the avenue .The first referred to the perceptive tour and the second tour program. Both intersect at certain points, creating an invisible mesh of connective nodes featuring the vacuum thus arises Crack: this item will be starring in the public space and the building as it will be the element that gives continuity.The whole length: thus the movement generated in a vacuum as Space Weather arises.


During movement are characterized by the perceptive crack Tour and travel Programmatic shown by piercing the full. The crossing between the two places create identity, an invisible mesh of connective nodes appear. These connections generate multiple motions in a space time where the protagonist is empty.


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